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Our Philosophy


Our NGO has evolved towards becoming a services organization which draws on a reputation of 15 years. This international reputation is one of the most precious assets of the ICV Group, reflected by our Code of Ethics with its fundamental and professional values.

These values are the following:

Integrity and work ethics

Impartiality and Independence

Respect of all individuals

Social and environmental responsibility

Considering the increasingly strong commitment of companies and NGOs towards society, new challenges are appearing which combine profitability and responsibility. The awareness of the existence of these risks creates new requirements and activities for ICV, with an impact on the organizational and immediate “managerial” levels.

ICV and each of its employees consider the impact of their actions on the community, people and the environment.


Our professional ethic draws on social responsibility and offers services accessible to any person or entity, regardless of their financial situation.

In this spirit, we have a basic rate which is variable according to our services.

We make reductions adapted to each situation while proposing to people who wish to support our approach the voluntary payment of a premium rate. This gesture of solidarity will serve to compensate the loss of earnings on our services for those most in need.
The generosity of some in this way allows free access to our services for all.

©1997-2025 ICVS Communications|design + programming mcart group|Updated: 2025-02-19 05:06 GMT|